Some sleight of hands will cause the cards to
create sounds, which arouse audiences' suspicion.
To counter that, make sure you are making all the
conversation to cover up.
:: Riffle Force ::
- Effects: Audience prompted
to yell stop as they please while cards are being
riffled from the front. When stopped, 'forced'
card is pick by audience.
- Level of Difficulty:
- Level of Amazement: "What
- Preperations: Glimpse of the
top card.
- Points to Note: Always,
always, always, position yourself in front of the
audience, not the left side, not the right side,
but IN FRONT, cards' front edge facing them.
Start out by taking a glimpse off the top card
of the deck.
Split the deck into two packets with right hand;
using the thumb as pivot, fore finger holds top
packet (a), middle holds bottom packet (b), in a
'V' shape manner.
Left hand grabs top packet (a) and place it under
the bottom packet (b)...
Place right hand's fore and middle finger on the
top edge, thumb on the bottom edge of the deck.
Being riffling the cards from the front, using
fore finger, at the same time prompt the audience
the yell stop whenever they want.
When stopped, right hand grabs the top packet of
the cards (a), irregardless of where the audience
wanted to stop at, and allow them to draw the
'forced' card.
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