:: Overhand Shuffle Force ::
- Effects: Audience prompted
to say stop as they please while cards are being
shuffled. When stopped, 'forced' card is pick by
- Level of Difficulty:
- Level of Amazement: "What
- Preperations: Glimpse of the
top card.
- Points to Note: In order to
pull this sleight off sucessfully, try to keep
the audience's attention away from your
Start out by taking a glimpse off the top card
of the deck.
Right hand holds deck in shuffle grip, left
hand thumb slides about ¼ of the top packet (a).
At the same time, prompt the audience to say stop
whenever they please.
As right hand goes down the 2nd time,
grab the initial packet (a) on the left hand
...left hand thumb continues the sliding motion
(b) at the same time. Keep a gap between the
initial packet (a) and the rest of the deck.
Continue the shuffle until audience yells
"STOP!", drop the initial packet (a) (which the
top card is the 'forced' card) on top of the
packet on the left hand. Allow he audience to
pick the top 'forced' card.
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