Do a flourish slowly, it adds to the mind-blowing
element for the audience! Let them see properly
what you are capable of!
:: Pressure Fan ::
- Effects: A more advance type
of flourish, similar to the basic fan. Spreads
the cards more evenly, creating a bigger
- Level of Difficulty:
- Level of Amazement: "Hey!
How did u do that?!"
- Preperations: NIL
- Points to Note: The fan
pressure needs lots more practise than the basic
fan, because the amount of pressure, strenght and
movement, must be coordinated to even out the
spreading of cards.
Left hand holds deck, with fore finger holding
the back of the deck at an angle of about 45
degrees, and thumb holding the front lower left
corner of the deck.
The right hand fore, middle and ring finger,
holds top edge of the deck, thumb holds bottom
edge of deck.
Arch the cards slightly with the fingertips.
With the cards arching, slide the deck towards
the right, releasing the cards at the same time.
Silde until the deck is evenly spread out. Close
the deck in anti-clockwise direction.