Magic Realm
Magic Realm
Spacer Card Control
Last edited on: Thursday, 28 October, 2004
Card Control
Top Pass
Bottom Pass
Table Cut
Hollywood Cut
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Project report
It's better to politely leave the scene when there's a "spotter", than trying to convince them and letting them ruin your hard work.
:: Hollywood Cut ::
  • Effects: Same effect as the Tripe Table Cut, but doing in a more fancy method.
  • Level of Difficulty: Hard
  • Level of Amazement: "My eyes must be playing tricks on me... "
  • Preperations: NIL
  • Points to Note: This move should be done in a smooth, yet fast manner, so as to allow the audience to think that the deck has really been messed up.
Split 1/3 of the deck with right hand; using the thumb as pivot, fore finger holds top packet (a), middle holds bottom packet (b), in a 'V' shape manner.
Left hand grabs top packet (a) and transfer it to the bottom, still in a 'V' shape manner, held with the thumb as pivot and right ring finger.
Right hand fore finger splits remaining 2/3 packet (b), into 2 packets (c & d), as in step 1, now in a 'W' shape manner.
Spin the middle packet (d) anti-clockwise by the top left corner of the packet, using left hand wrist and right hand thumb as pivot. Drop the packet into the left hand.
With packet (d) in the left hand, thumb spins packet (c) clockwise by the lower left corner of the packet, using right hand fore finger as pivot. Drop the packet (c) on top of (d) in the left hand, reforming packet (b).
Slam the remaining packet (a) on the right hand on top of packet (b).
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Murdoch University